The tiny mouse stands proudly on its hind legs, stares defiantly into the eyes of the cat just inches away and lets out its loudest squeak.
Stunned at the bravado of its would-be prey the prowling pusscat meekly slinks off, tail between its legs. This was the real-life Tom and Jerry scene which greeted Wendy Rothwell in her backyard in Swavesey, Cambs recently.
In a display reminiscent of the famous cartoon cat and mouse, the tiny rodent turned into the mouse that roared after the cat ventured too near its home.
The field mouse stood up and squeaked at the cat despite being just a whisker away from death. The fearless rodent proved he was no scaredy-cat as he astonishingly squared up to his large opponent and refused to budge - giving a new slant to the game of cat and mouse.
'It was incredible, the little mouse stood up and seemed to be roaring at the cat,' said Mrs Rothwell, 45.
'The cat was much bigger than him and could have killed him at any moment but he didn't seem to care.
'He seemed to be prepared to do anything to protect his home. He must be the bravest field mouse in the country.'
Sumber : The Daily Mail